Today is a weird day. Former President Donald Trump's mug shot was released.
He looks like a cartoon villain.
It's fitting; his whole run has been Looney Tunes.
I try to limit my news intake and the amount of time I spend thinking and talking about politics,
but I mean, really. WTAF?
Eventually though, the news seeps through unless you live in a hole.
There's no doubt that there was ugliness in the US that existed before Trump came on the scene.
But our country now I believe is on its way to being completely crass and unhinged.
People seem to be being their worst selves.
Portland, where I live, is one of the best examples of this decline. The rising rates of crime and violence and homelessness. This once quirky, charming town is turning grotesque.
I rarely leave the house at night anymore.
And even when and where it is not as extreme as it is in Portland, it's still going on.
A friend put out a table with bouquets of flowers from her garden, offering. them free to neighbors.
Someone stole the table.
This is just small scale stuff, we know of course about the big stuff - mass shootings and the like. Nearly every day it seems, there is something.
If you aren't careful it will erode your faith in humanity.
That's why we have to go extra on the love, folks.
